When a Swiss and a German make a promise and shake on it, that promise is etched in stone – so they say. Half way through our three year acting degree at the Bern University of the Arts, we decided to realize our first feature film: Giorni della Merla – Days of the Blackbird. Without any professional filmmaking background we learnt the ropes as we went along.

To support this low-budget German/Swiss co-production – and others yet to come – we kindly ask you to donate a sum of your choice. With the donated money we are able to cover our production costs and subsequently pay our cast and crew, who supported us with their effort and heart, but unfortunately, without having been paid yet. In addition you can show that you believe in low-budget cross-national art projects and that you share the idea of young creative people working ambitiously to follow their dreams.

Diego Brentano & Niklas Leifert, June 2011